Sugar daddy Dating: Dealing with the Age Difference

Dealing with the Age Difference in a sugar relationship

The sugar daddy dating niche is probably the only one where a difference of age of 10 or more years between partners is more of a rule rather than the exception. The answer to this question depends on many variables. One of the biggest variables is whether or not you feel confident going out in public with a considerably older man.

When people get romantically involved with partners who are much younger or much older, they are bound to be on the receiving end of critical, judgmental whenever they step out in public, whether it is for a dinner date or a trip to the park. It makes a lot of people uncomfortable. The truth is, some people are more bothered by being stared at than others.

Maybe a 10-year difference could be considered normal. What about a 20-year difference?

If you step out with a sugar daddy who is ten years your senior, people might understand. If he is twenty years older, though, it tends to be pretty clear to complete strangers what your arrangement probably entails. A big part of the Sugar lifestyle is that it is unconventional, so you might not care. So which age range should I go for?

Honestly, it comes down to what makes you feel comfortable. If you are confident and have no regard for what others think of you, go for the old ones. They may not be as trim as they were in their heyday, but most of them have ways of making up for that. Wrinkles can be really attractive if you accept their beauty. What really matters is how you feel about them, not what other people think. As the old saying goes, love knows no age.

To help you further navigate these questions, we have some thoughts on the subject from real sugar babies.

“ For me, attraction does not matter as much as the financial side of things. A handsome sugar daddy is only ever a bonus. I can get past physical imperfection and it does not bother me. I am not that shallow. I am currently seeing a sugar daddy triple my age and things are going great.”

“Part of what drew me to being a Sugar Baby is that I have never been good with men my own age. I guess I am an old soul. Older guys are really sweet and know how to spoil their sugar babies.”

To help you even more, we have a breakdown of typical expectations for the different sugar daddy age groups.

20 to 30

These guys are unusual because generally it takes time to accumulate the wealth and experience that makes a viable sugar daddy. However, maturity is a huge issue. These boys play games and they cannot be counted on for stability. Stay away from these boys. The men are much better.

30 to 35

A few years can make a world of difference. Once a man hits 30 it is like something clicks into place. A lot of excellent sugar daddies fall in this age group. They may not be as established or wealthy as the older men, but these one certainly offer a distinct set of advantages. You probably will have more in common with guys of this age than the older ones. They are more likely to be single and they tend to have less obligations than married men with children. They have more obligations, though, than retired widowers. If you are uncomfortable being stared at in public, this is a good place to start.

35 to 45

This is the group where you will find the sweetest of sugar daddies. They tend to give the highest allowances and many still have great physiques. They are young enough that no one will think you are weirdly holding hands with your grandpa.

45 to 55

This is the most highly populated bracket of sugar daddies. It is a solid set. They have stability and maturity. They know how to care for their sugar babies and can make wise, informed decisions when determining the arrangement. Unfortunately, these ones are also likely to have wives or children or both. These attachments make it more difficult for them to give you the time and resources you desire. If you like to feel like his only priority, these probably are not the men for you. Also beware that if you are on the younger side, you may not have much in common with him and that could make it hard to find things to talk about and bond over.

55 and higher

You either love them or you hate them. You think they are creepy or you find them endearing. It really just depends on the preferences of the Sugar Baby. These men tend to be the best at spoiling you, but they also elicit the most animosity in public.

Are big age gaps common in the Sugar community online?


Statistics show that sugar babies tend to prefer sugar daddies who are in their forties. Why is that? It is probably because they are old enough but not too old. They feel like wise guides and have plenty to offer in terms of money, but they have not yet begun their physical decline and the critical glances in public will not be as frequent or acidic as with older men. The second most preferred age bracket for sugar daddies is the thirties. These ones seem to capture the hearts of women with their youthful physiques and relatability.

When you are trying to find your perfect sugar daddy match , look for maturity and practicality. Look for sugar daddy who know how to take care of you. Remember that at the end of the day, age is just a number, but be honest with yourself about what you are attracted to and what you can handle.

At the end of the day, there are fabulous sugar daddies out there of every age. It really is a matter of what you personally prefer because everybody is different. Decide what your priorities are and make your selections based on that, whether it means going after the easy 35 year-old who won’t make you a target in public or the older retired widower who can devote his ever moment and penny to your whims.